Thursday, February 20, 2020

Coaching Theories and Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coaching Theories and Models - Essay Example An understanding of the particular needs of an employee and diagnosing them appropriately is one of the most important aspects in coaching. In this essay, a perspective of two coaching models will be considered in order to ensure that the best one is applied in coaching. The differences and similarities of the GROW theory and contingency model will be drawn. Both theories have advantages as well as disadvantages that will be compared through this analysis. The contingency model of coaching is a widely used theory in leadership. It is geared towards promoting performance among the employees. The main point of concern under this theory is the adoption of the balance between the performance and taking care of the needs of the people (employees). This theory requires that the manager act in an effective way that demonstrates respect for the employees. Coaching through this model has no particular pattern that the manager should adopt in order to achieve desirable employee performance. The situation of the employee is the one that determines the type of coaching style that is adopted. This model was developed by Julie White and Rick Tate in an endeavor to diagnose the needs of an employee in order to ensure that they exhibit good performance. The manager is required to customize their coaching to the specific needs of an employee. After diagnosis of the employee needs, the manager is required to develop effective and systematic approach of dealing with the needs of that specific employee (Impact Achievement Group, n.d). The GROW model is geared towards solving problems that emanate from the organizational setup for employees. Apart from providing solutions, the manager can step ahead to solve problems that emanate from the employees. This GROW model is an acronym that stand for Goal, Reality, Obstacles & Options, and Way forward. This model helps managers in dealing with day-to-today problems that confront employees in an organization. Despite having

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Role in Criminal Procedure of US Constitution Essay

Role in Criminal Procedure of US Constitution - Essay Example In the US Constitution itself, there is an Article that includes provision for both pre-trial and trial rights. Article III, Section. 2, Clause 3 indicates that â€Å"[t]he Trial of all Crimes [†¦] shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed [†¦]† (National Archives, â€Å"Constitution of the United States, Art.III,  §.2, cl.3†, 1787) This passage determines two important elements of criminal procedure, namely the jury and venue. These are crucial while they describe the place and method of criminal procedure.As for the Bill of Rights, there are several Amendments that are relevant to the current research question. To be more specific, Amendments Fifth, Sixth and Eight seem to be the most important to determining criminal procedure. Within the Fifth Amendment, there are several crucial points to understand in regard to criminal procedure. First, this Amendment rejects punishment for capital or i nfamous crimes except for specific cases. Similarly, in the Eight Amendment, it is stated that â€Å"[e]xcessive bail shall not be required†, nor â€Å"excessive fines, nor cruel and unusual punishments.† (National Archive, â€Å"Bill of Rights, Amendment VIII†, 1789) Second, Amendment V also indicates that one person will not be answering twice for the same crime. Third, any person has the right not to witness against oneself. Finally, the Amendment does not allow the punishment of a person without due juridical process. (National Archive, â€Å"Bill of Rights, Amendment V†, 1789).